


Welcome to the OpenPLi development website

We have concentrated all information related to the development of OpenPLi STB firmware on this website.

Available information

On this website you find the following information:

  • Issue tracker for all OpenPLi projects
  • Technical wiki pages on how to setup your own build environment
  • Development documentation
  • ...

Access the information

Please sign in with the username and password you use to access the forum. On your first login, you will be prompted for additional profile information. Note that your full name is asked, this will be used in emails, but is not visible to the public.

Beta programme

For the moment, all information is available read-only. We are working on setting up beta programmes for members of the forum who would like to be more involved in development work, or who like to have access to development firmware for test purposes and are willing to test new features and bug fixes before they will be added to the next Release Candidate.

In due time, details about these programmes will be announced in the forum.

Code status

Enigma2: Code status